Appreciation for the body..


Have you always loved your body? Really loved it and appreciated it? I’m taking a wild guess that for 99% of us, the answer is ‘What??’ ‘Umm, no.’

Well, isn’t that insane? The day we’re born, do we appear into the world hating our thighs, judging our size, wishing we had bigger/smaller/stronger *insert chosen body part here? Again, the answer is ‘umm, NO!’

All these adopted thoughts and judgements (and sadly but often, actual hatred) about our physical body come from our ‘ego layer’, which is built up of superficial beliefs and ‘certainties’ coming from the people and world around us through our lives. And this is NOT the real us!

Practising healthy, intuitive movement while watching the breath and mind brings us to a deeper connection with our physical body and frankly, the absolute miracle that it is. THAT is yoga.

