Thoughts on love..

I have a theme each month for my yoga offerings, and it might sound cheesy but I've decided my theme for February is 'love'

Yes it seems an obvious one for this month but of course there's more to it than that. I'm not talking schmaltzy Valentine's Day sh**e! (other opinions allowed..)

Love is one of the basic human needs - you might have heard of Maslow's 'hierarchy of needs' or perhaps the needs referred to in 'non-violent communication' (NVC). But is there only ONE way to fulfil that need? From a romantic partnership - as our society would maybe dictate? Or does it even have to be love from other humans - family, friends etc?

What happens if you're an eternal 'solo artist' without a partner (whether by choice or otherwise)? Or your romantic partner is driving you insane and/or not fulfilling your 'love' needs at that time? Or your relationship with family isn't at all loving? Your friends distant/disappointing? How can we fulfil our valid, basic need for love without blaming others or bemoaning our situation that we believe is 'lacking'?

I'm definitely no expert and not here to provide the answers, I just want to provoke some thought! But what do you feel brings 'love' to your life that you could focus on more when/if you feel the world, or others are to blame for your lack? 

Love of music, of nature, of reading, cooking, creating art..? Could we spread and invite love by connecting more with strangers? Spoken from one who spends a lot of time alone, I assure you a simple smile or brief conversation with a stranger can lift someone's day, and in the hierarchy of needs this would certainly fall in the 'love/connection' grouping.

Maybe some of these things don't feel like 'love' to you, but as I say it's just to provoke thought, and that's what the practice of yoga does - it asks us to notice our reactions and rigid perceptions and maybe be open to thinking differently..

I'd be really interested (yes, I'd 'love' it!) to hear your thoughts, so send any comments my way.  

And with that I shall bid you a LOVELY rest of your day. 💕

strawberry heart

Feeling hot, hot,..or not?


Thanks to the coots..