Never underestimate the power of a good cry!

Well. I went to a concert on Saturday. And knowing the artist and style of his music, I knew it would be moving and emotional. But, from about 3 bars in, I cried like I haven’t cried in a long while. No tightness in my throat or chest, no discomfort in the gut trying to keep it in, no heaving sobs. But, literally as though someone had turned on a tap, a smooth flow of free tears. Flowing and flowing and flowing fluidly.. This guy’s music is something even recorded, but live, well.. I know one of my talents is being good with words, but also knowing when words are utterly superfluous. 

But I wasn’t the only one. I was well aware of others around me being touched by the music and the moment, and their bodies taking the opportunity to give full flow to that emotion.

And forgive sounding a little Carrie from SATC (don’t know her? Don’t worry!), but it got me thinking...just how pent up and tense that it seems the whole world is at the moment. I know personally I’ve been going through one of my regular lows, but there is also so much disappointment, tension, anger, frustration, misunderstanding and ugly division out there. And I’ve felt this for a while, long before the Queen’s death, even since before Covid, Brexit etc. 

Of course I’m really aware it’s not all doom and gloom, and we’re more likely to see the sad and negative when we’re feeling that way ourselves. I know when I’m happier, I see the joy, kindness, generosity around me, even in small gestures. But my point for today is CRYING and what an absolute release it is when we’re not in that positive space. I imagine myself as someone who lets my emotions out and is not at all ashamed to shed tears when I need, but clearly I should do it more!

In a chat about the Queen’s passing, a friend described their sadness with confusion, surprise, and claims that they ‘thought they were more cold-blooded’. There are others I know who hold SO much sadness, darkness and depression inside them that it’s damaging for their physical health, let alone mental. Why do we feel a shame and a need to hold back from showing sad emotion? Why do we have to be so controlled? 

You might have seen on social media recently a post about how the trees (in the northern hemisphere) are about to show us how lovely it is to let go.. Such a nice image. Can I encourage us all to let go next time we need to? No holding in, no discomfort from knowing you’d feel better if you released the emotion but feeling you have to hold it together.   

If the world really is as rubbish as we feel it is in our difficult times (and yes I know it isn't, it's all perspective), how much better will we be able to deal with that if we allow ourselves to free the sadness and tension first? 

I'd welcome your thoughts, and if you're feeling low or unsettled, whether related to Queen Liz or otherwise, I send you my love and good energy.  

(And in case you’re curious, the artist is Ólafur Arnalds. I won’t take offence if you’re not crazy about his music! But I will wonder if you have a soul.. (-; )


Calm and strong, like a swan..


Yoga for real life