Good things come..

Results don’t happen overnight. This lily on my balcony just opened this morning after a two year wait. Some might’ve given up on it and thrown it away when it didn’t flower last year. But look what can happen when you’re patient and give things a chance to unfold as they’re naturally supposed to. 

Yoga and meditation are exactly like this. We expect results right now, immediately! 

‘I’ve just meditated for 10 minutes, why haven’t I found eternal peace yet?!’

‘I’ve been doing yoga for years, why can I still not do the splits?’

Because everything else in our modern world seems to demand such instant attention and gratification, we’re confused and annoyed when things take time. 

But with yoga and meditation (‘sitting’, ‘being still’, call it what you prefer), it’s the *doing* it that matters, not some imagined eventual result. 

We don’t do an hour, a year, even a decade of practice, and magically find that all our problems are fixed. 

But we work with what arises. We focus on existing, with full awareness and without judging. Knowing that whatever comes up is ok, is alright (especially the distractions, or thoughts, which we believe are ‘wrong’ or a sign of ‘failing’). 

Over time we might slowly release and let go of the idea that we even need to ‘find’ eternal peace, or we may at least redefine what daily contentment means for us.  

And if we give it time, perhaps from a starting point of physical practice only, we might realise that ‘yoga’ goes so much deeper than just that. And we’ll certainly end up more confident at questioning whether we even need to do the splits…! (useful in daily life?..)

Be patient. watch and trust the process. The results will come. 

Or, maybe, you’ll realise that ‘results’ don’t even matter..

I’d love to hear your thoughts..!


Yoga for real life


Are you listening?